Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Eating Plan

If you read my post on SAHMBIE CHRONICLES, you would know that I was shocked to realize today that time is not slowing down for me (go figure). It's marching on, lively as ever! My blog deadline will be here before I know it!

I'm terrified that next January will sneak up on me because I was giving myself permission to "take it slow." But change only comes with actions and I'm not doing much of anything.

If you've been keeping up with this blog, you would know that my food choices are pretty bad and my exercise is well, non-existent. If I want to have lost any weight by my blog deadline of Jan. 1, I'm gonna have to get on it!

I'm still praying about the right eating plan. I've read EVERYTHING and have pretty much tried EVERYTHING. My head is just all jumbled and I don't know what to do.

But, I hope that you and I will in fact see a change in my eating and exercise in the days to come as I try out some things and pray about what's best for me.

Thank you all for your support...if I didn't have you checking in on me once in a while, I don't think I would be able to do this. But you are and I'm plowing forward.


  1. you will get it angie!
    it will happen ~ this is your year to make it happen for you!
    i don't know what plan is best for you... i know that i too tried everything. the only thing that has ever worked for me has been calorie restriction!
    i am at 1800 and just logging with livestrong, i think i must have been at 4000 pr day
    many blessings

  2. I know that you can do this! It might take a little time to find the plan that works for you, but as long as you're working at it diligently you will get results. And seriously, if you are looking for some fun workouts, try Zumba! It's awesome! It's not easy, Lord knows, but you have rhythm and you'd love it I think. I wish you all the luck in the world!
