Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23/ Meals, Plus Calculated Calories and Fat

Breakfast- Whole grain toast (110 cal. 1.5g. fat) w/ Brummel and Brown (45 cal. 1.5g. fat) and Apple Butter (30 cal), coffee (68 cal. 1g. fat)=253 cal. 4g. fat.

Snack- Quaker Rice Cakes (70 cal. 2g. fat), 1/2 banana (54.5 cal), Crystal Lite (10 cal.)=134.5 cal., 2g. fat

Lunch- Smart Ones frozen entree (290 cal., 5g. fat), Crystal Lite (10 cal.)=300 cal.. 5g. fat

Dinner- Twice baked potato: Real Bacon Bits (50 cal. 3g. fat), green onion (0 cal.), Fat free onion dip (20 cal. 0g. fat), cheese (100 cal. 9g. fat), Brummel and Brown (90 cal. 3g. fat). Salad: Lettuce (7 cal), Craisins (26 cal.), Croutons (30 cal. 1g.fat), Green Goddess Dressing (65 cal. 1g. fat). Dessert: Smart Ones Ice Cream (170 cal. 3g. fat). Diet Coke (o cal.)=851 cal., 19.5 g. fat

Total Calories: 1404 Total Fat: 30.5

Aerobics (30 minutes)

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22/ Meals, Plus Calculated Calories and Fat

Today I've been reading labels, researching the net, adding and subtracting, dividing and multiplying calories, fat grams, and nutritional information to come up with my calories for the day. It's been an almost all day ordeal. Everytime I eat something, I'm scouring the net for the calorie and fat count if I can't find it on the package or in a nutritional glossary that I have on hand.

I must admit, that after lunch, I've been ravenous! I don't feel real physical hunger, but cannot seem to feel full. So, I scrounge around for something else to eat, be it an apple or some rice cakes. I guess I need more protein, which according to Dr. OZ, equals satiety. I got some Laughing Cow cheese wedges (they're so good), per the "Hungry Girl's" advice and I guess should try eating that as a low- cal protein tomorrow.

I'm glad it's almost dinner time. I'm still not quite satisfied. My hubby won't be home until about 6ish, and I don't know if I can wait on him. I plan on exercising around 8pm, so maybe I should try to eat around 5:30, and not eat after I workout. That sounds like a plan.

Breakfast- 2 cups coffee-79.5 cal, 1 gram fat
Egg white omelet in a mug (here)-150 cal, .50 grams fat.

Lunch- homemade chicken pot pie (leftovers) 225 cal. 9 grams of fat
crystal lite and bottled water 0 cal.

Snack- Quaker rice cakes 70 cal, 2.5 g. fat
Snack-1 apple 100 cal 0 g fat
Snack-Bowl of Special K w.skim milk 160 cal. 2 g fat.

Dinner-Turkey chili w/green onion, cilantro and avocado topping- 335 cal 14g fat.
Dessert- Weight Watchers Strawberry Shortcake 170 cal 6g fat

Calories for the day-1289.5 and 35g fat...not too bad (I think).

Exercise-Aerobics-30 min.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19

Been a while, but I'm starting again...I'm looking for my old Weight Watchers point counter...it's packed away somewhere. I'm hoping this will at least give me an idea of how I'm doing on how much I'm eating according to their point system I'm allowed a max of 32 points a day. If you read my post on sambie chronicles, you'd know I was having a hard time getting my eating under control. But until I find it, I'm going to have to just keep a check on calories the old fashioned way.

Breakfast- a few small bits of pizza (I had no groceries in the house, so I cut up a piece of leftover pizza in little squares for the baby for breakfast and I had a bite or two of what she didn't eat...I know, mother of the year!) 2 cups coffee with sugar and milk.

Snack-2 servings of quaker rice cakes, 1 serving "Bunny Grahams."

Lunch-WW Smart Ones frozen dinner, lrg. unsweet tea w/ Splenda

Dinner-Shrimp Taco w/ Spanish rice

And then after I recorded this folks...I completely lost it...I was frustrated because of a crazy afternoon with the baby and panicked and started binging! I can't even remember all the stuff I've eaten today! So, I'm not able to finish recording what I ate. Sorry. Tomorrow's a new day. Pray people! I need your prayers!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9

I'm not posting what I ate because for the most part, I forget! lol

But I will post that I got up early and exercised a little. Still waiting for my video to come in the mail, but I exercised to some videos "On Demand." Yay me!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4

Breakfast- bowl of frosted mini wheats w/ whole milk

Lunch- chips w/ guacamole, an apple, can of coke

Snack- 2 mini chocolate chip muffins

Dinner- Roast pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, can of coke

A sweet friend of mine...Christina from "On My Weigh Down" figured out some stats for me...they aint pretty!

Calories: 2427

Fat: 83 (wowzah!)

Carbohydrates: 351 (yikes...I know when you do Atkins he wants you to have less than 10!)

Fiber: 29

Protein: 88

And here's what my points would be if I were doing Weight Watchers

Total= 57 That's 35 over what I'm supposed to have I believe...so it's like I ate double what I'm supposed to.

I didn't think I was doing so bad today, but obviously I am. It's nice to have some perspective.
Exercise- none...although I did get a message that my new exercise video (er...DVD) has been shipped! Yes!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3

Ughhh! I totally forgot to record what I ate yesterday! Sahmbie brain!!!!!




Ughh! I can't even go there ya'll!
I've just eaten and eaten and eaten all day. I can't even remember it all to record it...I feel gross and sick and like
a cow!
But tomorrow is a new day...

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1

A new month, and a new start. I've missed several days of logging what I'm eating and what exercise I'm doing (bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!), but this is a new day and a new start.

Last night I ordered an exercise video from Denise Austin. I hope it comes in sooner than later. I know some people can't stand her, but I've always loved her videos and her gentle, enthusiastic, encouraging approach. She encourages you to work, but she doesn't kick your butt! Maybe when I'm in better shape, I'll invest in some butt kicking workout videos, but right now, I need love. : )

Breakfast- small piece of cherry coffee cake, lrg coke

Lunch-small bag of potato chips, 1/2 Panera Turkey Artichoke Panini, a few bites of mac-n-cheese

Snack-large chocolate brownie

Dinner-bowl of chicken and dumplings, 2 glasses kool-aid

Exercise- none (gotta quit doing nothing...need to do something)