Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010

Breakfast- 554 cal
2 scrambled eggs w/ ketchup, 1 piece of toast w/ butter, 2 cups of orange juice.

Lunch-200 cal.
Curried Chicken salad

Snack-158 cal
handful of grapes, 2 pears

Dinner-500 cal.
Homemade Chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese sandwich, diet coke

Total- 1442 cal.

Water-8 cups

Exercise-walking 1/2 mile

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12

Breakfast: First thing this morning, I actually forgot I was on this diet, and just out of habit picked up a a few pieces of this "cookie pizza" dessert thingy at my Bible study group. It was good, but about 4 small squares later, I realized I was counting points...yikes! It's funny how our habits are so ingrained that they take over even after we've resolved to do something completely different. Anyway, I had a few small squares of that dessert and a diet coke, so I'm going to count it as 6 points.

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Pizza (it was good!) 7 points, Diet Coke

Special K Chocolate snack bar 2points, 1/2 cup baby carrots 0 points, bottle of water

Snack: Slim Fast Shake 3 points

Dinner: 1/2 cup packaged chicken and broccoli noodles 3 points, Healthy Choice Meal
6 points, Diet Coke

Snack: Smart ones Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dessert (OMtotheGosh!!!!!! THESE ARE HEAVEN!!!!) 3 points

none...the day just got away from me...but that's no excuse!

Point total: 30!!! Wow! I didn't even come close to the conservative side of my point allotment of 39. Yay me!!!! And I wasn't even hungry today.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23/ Meals, Plus Calculated Calories and Fat

Breakfast- Whole grain toast (110 cal. 1.5g. fat) w/ Brummel and Brown (45 cal. 1.5g. fat) and Apple Butter (30 cal), coffee (68 cal. 1g. fat)=253 cal. 4g. fat.

Snack- Quaker Rice Cakes (70 cal. 2g. fat), 1/2 banana (54.5 cal), Crystal Lite (10 cal.)=134.5 cal., 2g. fat

Lunch- Smart Ones frozen entree (290 cal., 5g. fat), Crystal Lite (10 cal.)=300 cal.. 5g. fat

Dinner- Twice baked potato: Real Bacon Bits (50 cal. 3g. fat), green onion (0 cal.), Fat free onion dip (20 cal. 0g. fat), cheese (100 cal. 9g. fat), Brummel and Brown (90 cal. 3g. fat). Salad: Lettuce (7 cal), Craisins (26 cal.), Croutons (30 cal. 1g.fat), Green Goddess Dressing (65 cal. 1g. fat). Dessert: Smart Ones Ice Cream (170 cal. 3g. fat). Diet Coke (o cal.)=851 cal., 19.5 g. fat

Total Calories: 1404 Total Fat: 30.5

Aerobics (30 minutes)

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22/ Meals, Plus Calculated Calories and Fat

Today I've been reading labels, researching the net, adding and subtracting, dividing and multiplying calories, fat grams, and nutritional information to come up with my calories for the day. It's been an almost all day ordeal. Everytime I eat something, I'm scouring the net for the calorie and fat count if I can't find it on the package or in a nutritional glossary that I have on hand.

I must admit, that after lunch, I've been ravenous! I don't feel real physical hunger, but cannot seem to feel full. So, I scrounge around for something else to eat, be it an apple or some rice cakes. I guess I need more protein, which according to Dr. OZ, equals satiety. I got some Laughing Cow cheese wedges (they're so good), per the "Hungry Girl's" advice and I guess should try eating that as a low- cal protein tomorrow.

I'm glad it's almost dinner time. I'm still not quite satisfied. My hubby won't be home until about 6ish, and I don't know if I can wait on him. I plan on exercising around 8pm, so maybe I should try to eat around 5:30, and not eat after I workout. That sounds like a plan.

Breakfast- 2 cups coffee-79.5 cal, 1 gram fat
Egg white omelet in a mug (here)-150 cal, .50 grams fat.

Lunch- homemade chicken pot pie (leftovers) 225 cal. 9 grams of fat
crystal lite and bottled water 0 cal.

Snack- Quaker rice cakes 70 cal, 2.5 g. fat
Snack-1 apple 100 cal 0 g fat
Snack-Bowl of Special K w.skim milk 160 cal. 2 g fat.

Dinner-Turkey chili w/green onion, cilantro and avocado topping- 335 cal 14g fat.
Dessert- Weight Watchers Strawberry Shortcake 170 cal 6g fat

Calories for the day-1289.5 and 35g fat...not too bad (I think).

Exercise-Aerobics-30 min.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19

Been a while, but I'm starting again...I'm looking for my old Weight Watchers point's packed away somewhere. I'm hoping this will at least give me an idea of how I'm doing on how much I'm eating according to their point system I'm allowed a max of 32 points a day. If you read my post on sambie chronicles, you'd know I was having a hard time getting my eating under control. But until I find it, I'm going to have to just keep a check on calories the old fashioned way.

Breakfast- a few small bits of pizza (I had no groceries in the house, so I cut up a piece of leftover pizza in little squares for the baby for breakfast and I had a bite or two of what she didn't eat...I know, mother of the year!) 2 cups coffee with sugar and milk.

Snack-2 servings of quaker rice cakes, 1 serving "Bunny Grahams."

Lunch-WW Smart Ones frozen dinner, lrg. unsweet tea w/ Splenda

Dinner-Shrimp Taco w/ Spanish rice

And then after I recorded this folks...I completely lost it...I was frustrated because of a crazy afternoon with the baby and panicked and started binging! I can't even remember all the stuff I've eaten today! So, I'm not able to finish recording what I ate. Sorry. Tomorrow's a new day. Pray people! I need your prayers!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9

I'm not posting what I ate because for the most part, I forget! lol

But I will post that I got up early and exercised a little. Still waiting for my video to come in the mail, but I exercised to some videos "On Demand." Yay me!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4

Breakfast- bowl of frosted mini wheats w/ whole milk

Lunch- chips w/ guacamole, an apple, can of coke

Snack- 2 mini chocolate chip muffins

Dinner- Roast pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, can of coke

A sweet friend of mine...Christina from "On My Weigh Down" figured out some stats for me...they aint pretty!

Calories: 2427

Fat: 83 (wowzah!)

Carbohydrates: 351 (yikes...I know when you do Atkins he wants you to have less than 10!)

Fiber: 29

Protein: 88

And here's what my points would be if I were doing Weight Watchers

Total= 57 That's 35 over what I'm supposed to have I it's like I ate double what I'm supposed to.

I didn't think I was doing so bad today, but obviously I am. It's nice to have some perspective.
Exercise- none...although I did get a message that my new exercise video (er...DVD) has been shipped! Yes!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3

Ughhh! I totally forgot to record what I ate yesterday! Sahmbie brain!!!!!




Ughh! I can't even go there ya'll!
I've just eaten and eaten and eaten all day. I can't even remember it all to record it...I feel gross and sick and like
a cow!
But tomorrow is a new day...

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1

A new month, and a new start. I've missed several days of logging what I'm eating and what exercise I'm doing (bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!), but this is a new day and a new start.

Last night I ordered an exercise video from Denise Austin. I hope it comes in sooner than later. I know some people can't stand her, but I've always loved her videos and her gentle, enthusiastic, encouraging approach. She encourages you to work, but she doesn't kick your butt! Maybe when I'm in better shape, I'll invest in some butt kicking workout videos, but right now, I need love. : )

Breakfast- small piece of cherry coffee cake, lrg coke

Lunch-small bag of potato chips, 1/2 Panera Turkey Artichoke Panini, a few bites of mac-n-cheese

Snack-large chocolate brownie

Dinner-bowl of chicken and dumplings, 2 glasses kool-aid

Exercise- none (gotta quit doing nothing...need to do something)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27


Lunch-chinese food, diet coke

Dinner-twice baked potatoes, pineapple upside down cake, diet coke


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 26

Breakfast- a few bites of blueberry waffle, coffee w/ cream and sugar, bottle of water

Lunch- Lean Cuisine meal, diet coke

Dinner- chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese

Snack-nutella and strawberries


Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25

Breakfast- 1/2 banana

Lunch- Ham and cheese from Arby's, small curly fry, diet coke

Snack- sweet and sour chicken (shared w/ baby) diet coke

Dinner- 2 bowls of homemade chicken noodle soup ( was good!), diet doke, bottle of water

Snack- pineapple upside down cake, small glass of milk

Exercise-none...but I feel like I need to start counting cleaning my smooth top range as an upper body workout! They are pain to clean!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24


Lunch- Lean Cuisine meal, coke

Dinner-pizza rolls, pepsi

Snack-oatmeal creme pie


Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23

Breakfast- a fried egg, toast w/jelly, orange juice

Lunch- a bite of banana, a couple of mini muffins, oatmeal creme pie, gold fish crackers, coke

Dinner-grilled chicken and avocado wrap w/ a green salad, coke

Snack- a pint of Ben and Jerry's Peach Cobbler ice cream (it was soooo good)

Exercise- none

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22

Breakfast- 2 mini muffins, coke

Lunch- ham and cheese sub. large coke

Dinner-Veg. soup and peanut butter sandwich


One thing I've realized over the past few weeks is that if it's easy and it's in the house, I'll drink it and be happy with it. I will even drink water all day and be satisfied if it's easy to grab bottled water. The other day, I bought a carton of Coke and well, have been drinking them non-stop. The week before, I didn't have anything in the house except those little packets of Krystal Lite peach tea that you put in bottled water. I was perfectly happy with that.

So the moral of the story is...don't buy soda cause you'll drink it!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21

Breakfast- orange juice, blueberry mini-muffins, banana

Lunch- Lean Cuisine Pizza, coke

Dinner- Long John Silvers, chicken, fish and shrimp, pepsi


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20

Breakfast- Toast w/ grape jelly, coke


Lunch-Bologna sandwich, chips, coke

Dinner- Spaghetti, coke

Snack-crackers and cheese ball


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19

Breakfast- none

Lunch- leftover chicken pot pie, diet tea

Snack- cheetos, Reese Cups, Twix

Dinner- Spaghetti, garlic bread, coke



I'd really like to take a walk tomorrow.

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18

Breakfast- a swig of juice and nibble of a banana and a muffin

Lunch- Lean Cuisine Meal w/light bread, diet peach tea

Snack- cheese ball w/crackers, bottle of water

Dinner-Big Mac, fries, milk shake, coke


Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Eating Plan

If you read my post on SAHMBIE CHRONICLES, you would know that I was shocked to realize today that time is not slowing down for me (go figure). It's marching on, lively as ever! My blog deadline will be here before I know it!

I'm terrified that next January will sneak up on me because I was giving myself permission to "take it slow." But change only comes with actions and I'm not doing much of anything.

If you've been keeping up with this blog, you would know that my food choices are pretty bad and my exercise is well, non-existent. If I want to have lost any weight by my blog deadline of Jan. 1, I'm gonna have to get on it!

I'm still praying about the right eating plan. I've read EVERYTHING and have pretty much tried EVERYTHING. My head is just all jumbled and I don't know what to do.

But, I hope that you and I will in fact see a change in my eating and exercise in the days to come as I try out some things and pray about what's best for me.

Thank you all for your support...if I didn't have you checking in on me once in a while, I don't think I would be able to do this. But you are and I'm plowing forward.

January 17


Lunch- leftover chicken pot pie, Kool-Aid

Dinner-fried rice, chicken and shrimp tempura, stir fried veggies, large coke

Snack-bowl of cereal

Snack- chips and dip


Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 16

Breakfast- 2 glasses of OJ, graham cracker

Lunch- chicken pot pie, kool aid, 2 mini Reese Cups

Dinner- cereal, 2 chicken nuggets large coke

Snack- tall vanilla latte'

Exercise- cleaned house! I'm exhausted!

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15

Breakfast: 2 cups of coffee w/ cream and sugar

Lunch-Lean Cuisine BBQ Chicken Pizza (it was gross), Kool-Aid, a couple of cookies


Dinner-A few bites of dinosaurs and meatballs, Cereal (I'm eating like a 4 year old today obviously)

Snack- chips


Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14

Breakfast-coffee w/ milk and sugar

Lunch- 6" turkey sub w/ mayo, BBQ potato chips, large coke and oatmeal cookie

Snack- dried cranberries

Dinner- Lean Cuisine meal, salad

Snack- graham crackers w/ Nutella

Exercise-none (oh well)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13

I can't believe I didn't post anything yesterday (the 12th) brain must've been turned off because I didn't even think about it. Sorry. I'll try to do better, starting today!

Breakfast: Blueberry waffle w/syrup, sausage links

Lunch- Lean Cuisine meal, graham cracker w/nutella, Kool-Aid

Dinner- Chili, crackers, Kool-Aid, Kit-Kat

Exercise- none

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11

I've gotten my days mixed up and have somehow skipped a day, but now I'm back on track with today, the 11th.

Breakfast- orange juice, 2 mini muffins

Lunch- curried chicken salad sandwich, potato chips, fruit punch, cheese cake

Snack- frosted mini wheats

Dinner- Frozen pizza

Exercise- none


Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 9

Breakfast- frosted mini wheats

Lunch- a couple of bites of grilled cheese, coke

Snack- chips and dip, coke, Almond Joy

Dinner- Chicken pot pie, coke, cheese cake


Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8

Breakfast- juice, oatmeal

Snack- popcorn

Lunch- potato and carrot soup, coke, Almond Joy

Snack-more popcorn

Dinner-small frozen pizza, couple of Cokes, a few Cheetos

Snack-chips and dip


Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7

Breakfast- 3 or 4 mini blueberry muffins, glass of juice

Lunch- Fried bologna sandwich, coke, a few Teddy Grahams

Dinner- Potato soup, rolls, pepperoni rolls, coke

Snack- Fritos w/ onion dip, Watchamacallit (candy bar), coke

Exercise- none (again...this is starting to look bad)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6

Breakfast- Capt. Crunch, a few Ritz Crackers, one mini chocolate chip muffin, coke

Lunch- Bowl of vegetable soup, peanut butter sandwich, coke

Dinner-Chicken leg, mashed potatoes, biscuit, cole slaw, lemon parfait, coke (yes, KFC)

Exercise-none (again...grrr)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5

Breakfast- none

Lunch- Breakfast skillet (potato, eggs, ham, onion), chocolate milk

Snack- 2 glasses juice, 5 mini chocolate chip muffins...more like 12 by the end of the day

Dinner-bowl of Capt. Crunch (a big bowl)

Snack-popcorn and coke

Exercise- none (not happy about this)

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4

Breakfast- juice


Binge- bowl of cereal, 5 or 6 shortbread cookies, macaroni and cheese

Dinner-Oriental chicken salad with egg rolls large coke

Snack- a couple of mini Reese Cups and a Hershey Kiss and probably another butter cookie or two...who knows at this point?!

Exercise- none (as of 7:30pm)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3

Breakfast- a few bites of Rice Krispie cereal, glass of orange juice

Lunch- ham, 2 deviled eggs, a roll, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, potato salad, 1 piece of chocolate cake (all of this shared with the baby), coke

Snack- Funyons, Snickers

Dinner- BBQ chicken, corn on the cob w/butter, baked sweet potato w/butter and brown sugar, 2 pieces garlic toast, an Ale 8-1 (gingerale)

Snack- bowl of Capt. Crunch

Exercise- Not exercising on Sundays

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2 momma is the best cook! Even last night before drifting off to sleep, I told my husband that I hoped my mother would cook a big breakfast for us...and she did! Go momma!

I was going to start a 3 day fast today, but in light of this unexpected trip to visit the family, my husband and I decided to start on Monday the 4th.

Breakfast: 2 biscuits w/gravy, 1 fried egg, 5 or 6 small pieces of bacon, 1 homemade waffle with butter and syrup, 3 glasses of orange juice (mmmmmmm!!!!)

Lunch- 1 can of coke, 2 shortbread cookies, 2 chocolates

Dinner- big dinner salad, steak tips w/gravy, Texas toast, baked potato with butter and sour cream, large coke, banana pudding.

Snack- 2 Turtle chocolates, 2 Rice Krispie treats, 1/4 of an ice cream sandwich.

Exercise- Walking on the treadmill- 30 min, speed 2.0

I am seriously out of shape ya'll, and 30 minutes of exercise is HARD! I HATE, HATE, HATE every second!

My parents have a little, rickety ol' treadmill that I walked on last night and used again today, and it was really tough walking for 30 minutes straight. After about 20 minutes, I was so relieved and thought, "Oh great...well, I can just stop at 25 minutes and do a stretch and a cool down for 5. Yeah, that's what I'll do!" But I realized that that was just an old habit of mine rearing its ugly head! Telling myself that I've done enough and stopping just short of my goal...then feeling like I let myself down later. That's going to be a hard one to change because it's just so easy to do in the moment. But last night I kept right on, telling myself, "No, your feet are staying planted right here for 30 minutes no matter what!" Myself can be so bossy sometimes!

And tonight I was ready to quit at 15 minutes, but I stuck to it. But I don't feel good about it like you're supposed to...I'm mad. Mad that I have to do this, mad that I'm out of shape and mad that I'm not one of those people who just loves exercise.

The Bible says that we have a spirit man and the flesh and that they're at war all the time. Well, my flesh whines and cries like a big baby and pretty much gets its way all the time. But I'm praying that my spirit man becomes stronger and that this gets easier cause right now this sucks!